THE BOOK CAVE: Lucky Comics #5

Lucky Comics #5

Published by

John Michael Helmer

I just got in my latest issues of Lucky Comics. Today, I will review Lucky Comics #5. The first story is “The Red Knight’s Return” originally presented in: Beetle Girl #5, October, 2016. Words by the Awesome Lou Mougin, Art by the Impressive Oscar Suyama Jr., A Publi Gibi Studio Production, Letters by the Incredible John Michael Helmer, Edits by the amazing Mark F. Davis and Mike Waggoner. As always, I was blown away by the great story and art of Beetle Girl. The more I read of Beetle Girl, the more impressed I am with the character. Both Lou Mougin words and Oscar Suyama Jr.’s work makes for a great story. The Red Knight looks to be an interesting character and I’m curious to see what is next in line for Beetle Girl

“A Cross to Bear” originally presented in:  Martyr: True Cross #2 October, 2020. Written, Lettered and Created by the Incredible John Michael Helmer, Art by the Impressive Oscar Suyama and Edited by the Amazing Michael Waggoner. I’m really enjoying the team-up of the Martyr and the Owl. I’m curious as to where this will lead. Even though the Owl is the secondary character, I really like what I see so far. I’m curious to see what is next.

“To Each His Own” originally presented in: Robin Hood: Medieval Times #1 January, 2018. Story and Art by Wonderous Jatinder Ghataora, Lettersby the Incredible John M. Helmer and Editor of course by the Amazing Michael Waggoner. I grew up watching Robin Hood in the movies and TV along with reading him in the books and comics. I enjoyed this version very much and look forward to seeing what is next. I like the piece of humor with the mention of ‘The Man of Bats’ and what happens to Robin in the “gift” to him from the window.

Cover A by Dan Solano has a nice color version of The Martyr. I’d love to see some color of some of the inside pages soon.

Be sure and check out Lucky Comics in Amazon, and for more  great issues.  

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