Title: Taranis The Thunderlord # 3
Publisher: G-Man Comics
Story: Eric N. Bennett
Art: Luis Rivera
Colors: Frederico Pepito Sioc, Jr., Victor Raniery
Color Flats: Relyn V. Sioc
Letters: Eric N. Bennett
Cover by: Luis Rivera
Variant Covers by: Gilbert Monsanto, Butler & Monsanto Steven Butler
Price: $ 10.00 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: g-man-comics.com/
Comments: Valthana Shadowmoon now controls Agent Kirby and he is attacking Taranis. Sgt. Flag is looking on. The battle switches to Sgt. Flag fighting Agent Kirby and Taranis fighting Valthana the sorcerous. The fighting goes against the sorcerous so she calls Beglog The Snake-Limbed. This creature is huge and Tanaris faces a threat that may even he not defeat.
Sgt. Flag and Agent Kirby know each other and work well together. Agent Kirby is also smart enough to know when he needs help.
An assassin strikes from the shadows and a god falls. Is Taranis the next target of this assassin? He is a mystery.
The story does fly by fast. Taranis does make for a great character with his muscles and Godly presence. His shield is a powerful weapon as well as a defense against attacks. Taranis is strong and tough and ready to fight.
Each issue so far ends in a cliffhanger and this issue does as well. Cliffhangers are good to draw the reader back. The problem is they leave you hanging waiting for the next issue to come out to finish the part you are reading.