“It’s 1941…”

“And it’s been nearly thirty years since Auric’s mission to save the north began, but even as his legend grows, he is still feared and shunned by most of the people he fights to protect. But now the world is is aflame, and not even the great protector can stay isolated from Hitler’s war. The Nazis have ensnared a dark power from Canada’s north, which could lead to the death of billions and doom for the Allied cause. Canada’s wartime mystery man, The Black Ensign, comes to recruit Auric to the war effort, and he’s not taking “No” for an answer! Auric comes face to face with the Canadian Prime Minister, Mackenzie King, who is secretly also a sorcerer supreme, The Wizard of the Western World. And don’t miss the return of Auric’s patron, a spirit of the Inuit people, The Northern Goddess!”

“Follow Auric and his allies into the fray as Canadian Comic Book Hall of Fame Writer Mark Shainblum (Northguard, Angloman, Corum) and Legendary Canadian Artist Dan Day (Saga of the Swamp Thing, Detective Comics, Doctor Strange, Cases of Sherlock Holmes) add a new chapter to the legend of the greatest hero of … The Great White North.”
Brought to you by the fine folks at Great North Comics, Auric A God in Plastic is a new series set during World War Two and illustrated by the legendary Dan Day (Captain America, Detective Comics, Doctor Strange, Elvira) and written by the equally as legendary, Canadian Comic Book Hall of Fame inductee, Mark Shainblum (Northguard, Angloman, Captain Canuck).
The Kickstarter campaign is in good hands with Great White North having already delivered four successful Auric Campaigns to date. All of the art for the book is complete and almost ready to go out to print with just some tweaks and lettering to be finished.
Rewards include digital and physical copies of the book, original art pages, stickers, an amazing WW2 poster exclusive cover and more. Support this awesome Kickstarter HERE!
Title: Auric: A God In Plastic – Book One | Publisher: Great North Comics
Writer: Mark Shainblum | Artist: Dan Day
Letters: Andrew Thomas | Regular Cover Artist: Shane Kirshenblatt
B&W – 32 pages