JUST JOSHING: Night Wolf #6

Night Wolf might be my favorite Kickstarter book right now. It’s an old-school-style comic, and I’ve enjoyed the run so far. So let’s get into it, shall we?


The Book

Night Wolf #6

Story and Letters by Robert Multari

Art and Cover by Carlos Herrera

Colors by: Gat Melvyn

Edited by Ryan Rotuna

Publisher: Lone Wolf Comics

Night Wolf six is the start of the second arc of the series. Jennifer is still being manipulated by Victor. She’s aware of what is happening is a dream, but you can see the conditioning start to take a bit of effect. Still, she fights it, her innate desire to find the truth making her resistance to Victor’s illusions vexing the Vampire.

Then we go into Snow Paw and Rod hiding out. I have to say that I’m a little more invested in Snow Paw than I was in the series thanks to her series. Her past informs my present knowledge of her as she finally gives Rod the tribal name of Night Wolf. Tensions then arise and Snow Paw has her desires and yearnings. She flees from the cave to clear her head, and then that’s when all hell breaks loose.

With the scent of Blood Claw, and maybe just a touch of guilt, Snow Paw is lured away from guarding Rod taking on Blood Claw of the Dark Covenant. While she is distracted, one of Rod’s former classmates attempts to seduce him. When that doesn’t work, the dark covenant seeks to take Rod away by force.

The story has a layer of soap opera that’s kind of fun now, but the action is still there, as is the horror and guts.

Rod Multari’s greatest gift with his writing is that his mastery of voice is strong. Not just giving Snow Paw an accent either. Each character feels very distinct and fully fleshed out. He understands who his characters are, and there is growth with all the characters as the series progresses.

Carlos Herrera is the perfect artist for this series. He’s able to draw monsters and hot sexy vampires and able to cross that with real human moments. His facials with Vincent and Cirray (Snow Paw) are especially deep. There is great storytelling in the emotion of the characters. Finally, Gat Melvyn creates a wonderful tone with his colors.

I don’t think this is quite at the rocket pace of the previous issues of the series, but I do think this was a nice start to the next act of the story. If you’re interested in trying out the series, you can order copies of the book here.  I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.


The Business

Right now, I have a story on a Kickstarter. It’s true. We are closing in on both the last week and our goals for the issue. On the Stack II and Stories from Springfield are from the twisted minds of Part Time Comix. I have a story about a glorious dragon ruined by glitter.  I also have an illustration too. You can pledge to the Kickstarter right here if you want to see this.

My podcast is doing its 800th episode live on Twitch this Tuesday. Me and a plethora of past guests are gathering together Tuesday night to celebrate. You can watch it here at 5:00 pm PST/8:00 pm EST.

And, I’m currently releasing videos for my client to help advertise their brand. If you are looking to build content for your project or yourself, visit my webpage for more information.

That’ll do it for this column. Next time, I’ll be reviewing a comic, and an album. Promise it’ll be a good one.

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