So I made a movie! 

Another one. A personal one, I wrote, directed, produced, and played a lead in it. It’s called THE NUDELS OF NUDELAND and like all art it’s not for everyone – but if you like absurd comedy, body positivity (read: nekkid people’s), and some love story then it may be for you!! We got a great cast / crew and series of surprise cameos. We wrapped principal photography and are in post pro now. Here’s the plot:
In a truly original story that is naked and not afraid, Meet TIM CHIZMAR, he’s loud and nekkid, in America that’s how you know he’s Tim Chizmar. Meet LUCZ PADILLA, she’s quieter, religious, and nude, she works at a designer fashion label company in Mexico. Their lives are turned upside-down when these two young nudists are deported to the country of NUDELAND where they can finally live with others that are not Clothes-minded! But even amongst the unique personalities and over-the-top characters (like a reverse Flasher running around) can our heroes ever truly get rid of the shame and anxiety inside and allow themselves to be free? Sure, nude isn’t lewd, but it can come with mental baggage. This movie has heart, humor, & love; it is the most fun you can have with your clothes on!
Starring Juliana Acosta Jeremiah Benjamin Julie Antti Adrienne Pearson & soooo many more nekkid peoples.
Shot on location at ARROYO DEL SOL near Pasadena, CA.
Director of Photography / Editing by Corky Stanton
Costumes provided by GOD.
Produced by TIM CHIZMAR. Assoc produced by Vince Nance Exec Produced by Jack Spear in association with