I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah….)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*

Crossover # 7
Daredevil # 31
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: The Chameleon Conspiracy # 1
Marvel Action Spider-Man # 3
Teen Titans Academy 2021 Yearbook # 1

Crossover # 7– Chip Zdarsky and Phil Hester take over for an issue that deals with Zdarsky being stalked by a fictional version of himself, due to the work that he and Matt Fraction did during their time on “Sex Criminals”; I like how Zdarsky used himself in this story as it wasn’t corny and seeing him face off against himself was a great touch. Zdarsky’s writing continues to impress readers everywhere, and if Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw ever want to take a break, Crossover will be in good hands when it comes to the stellar work of Chip Zdarsky.

Daredevil # 31– Another Zdarsky written title that comes off as another hit for not only Zdarksy but Daredevil as well. Yeah the plot threads of Matt Murdock still behind bars and Elektra doing her best to be the new DD could very well be reaching its climax, the return of a classic DD villain (**NO SPOILERS**) looks to give this title another jolt of excitement and it’s only a matter of time before Matt takes back the mantle of Daredevil, which I’m hoping will happen sooner than later.

Teen Titans Academy 2021 Yearbook # 1– I definitely enjoyed reading this solely because of how each story gives the Titans characters their own spotlight and shows us what will go down in the main title but the one that will catch anybody’s eye is the Red X story, as it’s chocked full of pain and misery, it does sound like a very bleak origin story of a vigilante, but I do feel those factors alone makes the comics version of Red X a character worthy of his own title but seeing him as the main focus of TTA shows the readers that this character is on his way to being bigger than Deathstroke, The Terminator when he debuted in the pages of The Titans. Overall, great “yearbook” but I would be down for an even bigger appearance of Red X.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and i will see you all next time.

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