Title: Dead Dreams: The Lucid Chronicles # 1
Publisher: Self Published
Writer: Brittany Matter
Artist/Colorist: Dailen Ogden
Letterer: Gabriela Downie
Flatter: Drew Wills
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.brittanymatter.com
Comments: In this world, you can buy dreams and watch yourself live out your dream. Now one woman Pina after trying out a dream decides to take over the selling booth and sell them herself.
Pina uses one of the dream potions and does have a livid dream. The dream goes on and seems so real and Pina appears to be an older version of herself. So what is going on here and why is she having this dream?
The explanations at the start and end of the book are needed to fully understand what is going on. With it, the story flows smoothly. This part is done well and the art looks great as it is just what you would expect for this type and style of story. The art can be a bit simple and have a flat look to it at times but overall it looks great.
Pina, now she is a woman with a changing personality. She can be pushy and demanding yet still have a shy quiet side to her. It is wonderful watching her as she deals with her strange dream a dream that is not really a dream.