Michele is a fan of Japanese horror artist Junji Ito. He’s drawn some incredibly disturbing material. He also did Cat Diary, a graphic novel about how, when his fiancée moved in with him she brought her two cats Yon and Mu, and how he adjusted to living with cats for the first time.
Cat Diary is simultaneously cute and creepy. To quote Fangoria, “[Ito] seems to have an innate knack for bringing out the menace in the most innocent of objects.” These pages definitely demonstrate that, as the two cats seem like they are causing Ito to go completely out of his mind.
Of course, anyone who has ever had a cat can tell you that, yes, they actually do specialize in driving you crazy. I wonder if I’ve ever had that furious, anguished expression on my own face while dealing with cat shenanigans at five in the morning. Probably! 

P.S. Remember to read these from right to left!