Star Wars # 5 As I mentioned in some of my previous reviews of the Star…
Frank Zanca
...began working in local television at the age of 22 when he became a Promotional Producer for Channel 9, the Orlando ABC affiliate. During this time he wrote and produced thirty-second spots for the newscast and syndicated shows such as Geraldo and Sally Jesse Raphael. Later he worked as a Production Assistant on NBC's Gonzo Games and Dick Clark's Sea World Summer Spectacular. Frank created and wrote his first comic book, which was distributed internationally under the name of Shadow Raven. For a number of years, Frank worked in Sales and then moved into Marketing where he became CFO and later President of two Independent marketing firms that were later sold for several million dollars. Recently Frank helped design Shadow Raven: the Combat Card Game, which was distributed internationally and has written the Shadow Raven novel (to be released next year). Frank is currently producing Shadow Raven: Fading Thoughts, a thirty-minute pilot, which is designed to become a feature film or television series.
CAPTAIN MARVEL #18 3.5 out of 5 Kelly Thompson has redeemed herself with this story. After…
DARTH VADER #3 Vader has had its ups and downs, but overall, it’s been a pretty…
REVIEW: Wonder Woman # 759
Wonder Woman # 759 When I heard that there was a new creative team coming to…
REVIEW: Doctor Aphra #2
Doctor Aphra #2 Doctor Aphra has always been a hit or miss title for me. The…
REVIEWS: Detective Comics #1024
Detective Comics #1024 Both Batman books were released simultaneously this week, so I wanted to compare…
REVIEW: Captain Marvel #17
Captain Marvel #17 I wasn’t going to review this issue, but after reading it, I felt…
5 STAR REVIEWS: Batman #94
Batman #94 Batman is by far my favorite character in comics, but when DC started going…
5 STAR REVIEWS: Fantastic Four Empyre
Fantastic Four Empyre When I heard that Marvel was yet again doing a universe-spanning event, I…