Scout’s hit series is back! Set years before the shocking events of The Recount, Preamble details the life of Phil Pontus, the tragic death of his mother, his military service and subsequent decision to enter politics, his ascent to the office of Vice President, and the terrible events that culminated in his assumption of leadership of a terrorist group known only as “The Masses.”


In November 2020 Jonathan Hedrick stunned the comic book world when he gave us The Recount. This was a story that resembled a blend of The Purge meets House of Cards that gave us one exciting twist after another. Well, get ready folks because Mr. Hedrick does it again on May 18th with The Recount Preamble.


I just finished The Recount Preamble and it has put me in an excited mood mixed with a  combination of fear and curiosity. There is something about the comic’s tone that wants me to keep turning the pages. What at first seems like a simple story about a husband and wife having a baby in 1963 Dallas Tx, may be more complicated than it seems. The Recount Preamble gripped me because it hammers home both the incredible strength of spirit, as well as the fragility of life. On one level it’s an engaging psychological thriller biography, on another, a hellbent action ride, but ultimately, it’s a cautionary tale about love, loss, and vengeance.


I am loving the gritty realism of Rubén Gil’s art! The shapes and gestures of the characters become almost ethereal at times. There is a hauntingly beautiful feel to everything, and it is only expanded upon with Lorenzo Palombo’s colors! It is not grimy or flashy, it complements the panels. All of this is shown to us along with the lettering of Joel Rodriguez who gives us clean and tight dialog.


Writer: Jonathan Hedrick

Art: Rubén Gil 

Colors: Lorenzo Palombo

Letters: Joel Rodriguez


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