(FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Bedford, MA/USA—May 19, 2023) The Inkwell Awards has announced the winners of its 16th annual awards for excellence in the comic-book inking art form.
Nominees were chosen by a separate and independent nomination committee based on their own research as well as from artist submissions. Voting by professionals and fans took place for two weeks in April-May on the official ballot at the non-profit advocacy’s website. After 2748 ballots were tallied, one winner was chosen in each of five categories for 2022 cover-dated interior American published comic-book material.
The 2023 INKWELL AWARDS VOTING RESULTS were circulated earlier today and now we present the expanded “Racehorse” version like those that were posted in our annual Sinnott Inking Challenge Books and were inspired by the past Comic Buyer’s Guide/CBG Fan Awards results. This one supplies all of the nominees’ votes, percentages, race observations, and all the winners’ statements.
Favorite Inker Award: Favorite ink artist over the pencil work of another artist. (NOTE: Cannot be nominated for the PROPS award.)
1. Jonathan Glapion: 677 (25%): Batman/Spawn [DC]; We Have Demons [Dark Horse], Gunslinger Spawn [Image]
2. Cam Smith: 571 (21%): Batman: One Bad Day- Penguin [DC]; Avengers, Avengers Forever, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker [Marvel]
3. Dexter Vines: 645 (23%): Sensational Wonder Woman Special [DC]; The Mandalorian [Marvel]
4. Walden Wong: 857 (31%): Amazing Spider-Man, Darkhold Omega, Edge of Spider-Verse, Marvel Voices: Community, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Wakanda, What-if? Miles Morales [Marvel]
Most-adaptable Award: Artist showing exceptional ink style versatility over other pencil artists. (NOTE: Every nominee must have at least two sources cited.)
1. Scott Hanna: 682 (25%): Batman/Superman: Authority Special, Batman: Urban Legends, Duo, Justice League, Superman, and Robin Special, Superman: Son of Kal-EL [DC]; Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers Forever, Daredevil, Devil’s Reign: Villains for Hire, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, X-Men Legends [Marvel]
2. Matt Santorelli: 662 (24%): Superman and Robin Special, Task Force Z [DC]
3. Cam Smith: 338 (12%): Batman: One Bad Day- Penguin [DC]; Avengers, Avengers Forever, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker [Marvel]
4. LeBeau Underwood: 380 (14%): DC vs. Vampires: Killers [DC]; Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land, Mighty Marvel Holiday Special: Ghost Rider Infinity, Wolverine: Patch [Marvel]
5. Walden Wong: 688 (25%): Amazing Spider-Man, Darkhold Omega, Edge of Spider-Verse, Marvel Voices: Community, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Wakanda, What-if? Miles Morales [Marvel]
Repeating the 2020 ballot results, Walden took both of these categories again! But again there were several changes with vote gains as the first week Matt was in the lead but only a few votes ahead of Scott. The gap widened in Matt’s favor as the second week arrived and Walden was still far behind them. But in the final week, Walden was catching up with Scott and in the final days, they pulled ahead of Matt. Walden ultimately won but it was tight with Scott only six votes behind him. Scott and Walden have been tied for many years as the most Inkwell awarded recipients with nine ballot awards each. This year Walden pulls ahead to eleven. Matt, Cam, and LeBeau have all been nominated previously in this category.

2. Andrew Hennessy: 177 (6%): Earth Prime: Legends of Tomorrow [DC]; Timeless [Marvel]
3. Matt Santorelli: 488 (18%): Superman and Robin Special, Task Force Z [DC]
4. LeBeau Underwood: 398 (14%): DC vs. Vampires: Killers [DC]; Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land, Mighty Marvel Holiday Special: Ghost Rider Infinity, Wolverine: Patch [Marvel]After being the runner-up in this category for the past two years, ADRIANO DI BENEDETTO wins this category and his first Inkwell Award with a whopping 61%! Unlike the first two categories, Adriano was in the lead from the start of the race until its conclusion with Matt being runner-up the whole time as well. LeBeau has been nominated in Props five times since 2019. Matt and Andrew are new nominees to the category.
ADRIANO: “Wow, after two years in a row as a runner-up, it feels fantastic to win my first Inkwell Award. But first of all, I would like to congratulate all the nominees. So many talented artists that really elevated the competition. We all know how hard it is to be an inker and it’s so great to have an award such as this, shining a light on our art form. Thank you to all the fans who voted, my family and friends for all the support, and also, the pencilers and editors for trusting me and my work.”
1. David Cabeza: 866 (32%): Rivers of London [Titan]
2. Terry Moore: 743 (27%): Parker Girls, Serial [Abstract Studio]
3. Chuck Morgan: 503 (18%): Cold Kutter [Kickstarter]
4. Andrew Pepoy: 638 (23%): The Adventures of Simone & Ajax [Kickstarter]

2. Andrew Pepoy: 961 (35%): The Adventures of Simone & Ajax [Kickstarter]
3. Greg Smallwood: 747 (27%): (Human Target [DC]
This humbling award helps us as artists look at our work and feel intrinsic to the creative process of humanity. Sometimes we repeat ourselves, but other times –
The real magic happens when we get bored with ourselves.
A heartfelt thank you to all of my supporters and to the award organizers.”