(New Bedford, MA/USA—July 2, 2024) The Inkwell Awards has announced the winners of its 17th seasonal awards for excellence in the comic-book inking art form.
Nominees were chosen by a separate and independent nomination committee based on their own research as well as from artist submissions. Voting by professionals and fans took place for two weeks in March on the official ballot at the non-profit advocacy’s website. After 1365 ballots were tallied, one winner was chosen in each of five categories for 2023 cover-dated interior American published comic-book material. This year’s results were announced at the new convention host venue the Hershey Comic Con for their first live awards ceremony making this overall the 10th such ceremony to date, the last one being 5 years ago. This year, and probably the template going forward, we will announce the winning results in 3 parts: the ballot winners and internal awards (this very one), the lifetime achievement award recipients and the extended version of the ballot awards with much more info and acceptance statements.
The winners are listed below in bold with their credits, votes and the percentage of votes received, along with the other nominees in alphabetical order.
FAVORITE INKER (Favorite ink artist over the pencil work of another artist; cannot also be nominated for the “Props” award): Wade von Grawbadger (589 votes, 43%): Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War- Scorched Earth, Beast World Special, Wonder Woman, World’s Finest, Lazarus Planet {DC] Icon vs. Hardware [DC/Milestone], Comics for Ukraine: Sunflowers [Dunbier/Zoop]; Amazing Spider-Man, Edge of the Spider-verse[Marvel]
Other nominees: Oclair Albert, Eber Ferreira, LeBeau Underwood
MOST-ADAPTABLE (Artist showing exceptional ink style versatility over other pencilers): Elisabetta D’Amico (510 votes, 37%): Daredevil, Venom Annual[Marvel]
Other nominees: Don Ho, Jay Leisten, Danny Miki, Victor Olazaba, Cam Smith, Jonas Trindade, Wade von Grawbadger
PROPS AWARD (Inker deserving of more attention. The same inker cannot be nominated for this award and Favorite Inker; nor past Favorite Inker recipients): Elisabetta D’Amico (632 votes, 46%): Daredevil, Venom Annual [Marvel]
Other nominees: Adriano di Benedetto, Anthony Fowler Jr., Mostafa Moussa, Jonas Trindade
The S.P.A.M.I. AWARD (Small Press And Mainstream Independent, non-Marvel or DC work): Terry Moore (610 votes, 45%): Parker Girls [Abstract Studios]
Other nominees: David Cabeza, Mostafa Moussa
ALL-IN-ONE AWARD (Favorite artist known for inking his/her own pencils): Salvador Larroca (537 votes, 39%): Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: Revelations, X-Treme X-Men [Marvel] *Salvador’s last name was misspelled on the trophy shown (and the above banner) but the Inkwells will have that corrected before shipping it to him.
Other nominees: Raphael Grampa, Chris Samnee, Nicola Scott
Full acceptance statements from the award recipients and much more can be found in the EXPANDED 2024 Winners Results article later this week and they will be found in the “Award Recipients” section of the Inkwell Awards’ website in the near future. The Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame Award and the Stacey Aragon Special Recognition Award (SASRA), will be announced shortly.
And here are the Inkwell Internal Awards with 2 Silver Inkwell recipients and 3 Above & Beyond recipients as presented by the Ms. Inkwell senior spokesmodel and former Above & Beyond recipient Hailey Skaza-Gagne. (Photo: Giuseppe D’Amico)
Two Silver Inkwell awards recipients for their 5 years of nomination committee (nomcom) service are Palmer Chasse and Steven Bearfield. Steven was the only internal award recipient able to make the show and ceremony.

The 4 Above & Beyond Award recipients are Edward Harris and Jim Johnson for both serving 10 years and Michael Hoskin for serving a record 15 years in the nomcom. Lastly, our fourth recipient is artist Mike Pascale. Mike has served as a core committee member for 10 years, and most of that time as an Assistant Director working directly with Bob longer than anyone else on the core committee. You can play his video acceptance statement here. (The views expressed by award recipients are not necessarily those of the Inkwell Awards or its officers.)