Wayne’s Worlds: DC and Marvel Go Omnibus!

It was recently announced that the previous DC Versus Marvel books were coming back, this time in omnibus format!


Marvel, DC, Batman, Daredevil, X-Men, Titans, Teen Titans, Avengers, Justice League, Hulk, crossover, omnibusGiven the current “cold war” status between the biggest two comics publishers, it’s always news when they do something together! This time, they are reprinting all their superhero crossover titles, but now in omnibus format.

Way, way back in the 1990s, the House of Ideas and DC published crossover comics quite a bit, and that included Batman/Punisher, Silver Surfer/Superman, Batman/Daredevil, Darkseid Vs Galactus, Green Lantern/Silver Surfer, Batman/Captain America… followed by the Marvel Vs DC crossover event.

Now, it’s been literally decades since these characters have “officially” interacted with the others, so the recent news that the crossovers and the Amalgam Universe books (when Marvel characters largely had DC stuff grafted onto them and were renamed) are being reprinted in the bigger, more expensive omnibus format made news.

For a measly $150 each, you will be able to buy the DC Versus Marvel Omnibus and the DC/Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus on August 6. Just be forewarned: The JLA/Avengers team-up, which was recently reprinted in George Perez’s honor, is not included.

Here’s what you will find there:

DC Versus Marvel Omnibus Hardcover:

  • Batman/Captain America #1
  • Batman/Daredevil #1
  • Batman/Punisher: Lake of Fire #1
  • Batman/Spider-Man #1
  • Daredevil/Batman #1
  • DC Special Series #27 – Batman Vs Hulk
  • Darkseid vs. Galactus: The Hunger #1
  • Green Lantern/Silver Surfer: Unholy Alliances #1
  • Incredible Hulk vs. Superman #1
  • Marvel and DC Present Featuring the Uncanny X-Men and the New Teen Titans #1
  • Marvel Treasury Edition #28 – Superman And Spider-Man
  • Punisher/Batman: Deadly Knights #1
  • Silver Surfer/Superman #1
  • Spider-Man and Batman #1
  • Superman vs. the Amazing Spider-Man #1
  • Superman/Fantastic Four #1.

DC Versus Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus:

  • DC Versus Marvel #1-4
  • DC/Marvel: All Access #1-4
  • Unlimited Access #1-4
  • Bat-Thing #1
  • Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1
  • Bullets and Bracelets #1
  • Challengers of the Fantastic #1
  • Doctor Strangefate #1
  • Iron Lantern #1
  • Legends of the Dark Claw #1
  • Lobo the Duck #1
  • Speed Demon #1
  • Spider-Boy #1
  • Super Soldier #1
  • Thorion of the New Asgods #1
  • X-Patrol #1.

Also, there seems to be news that there will be one cover from John Romita, Jr., and another by Dave Gibbons. That’s very interesting to me!

I don’t know about you, but some of these titles bring back fond memories of that era, when really anything was possible when it came to “The Big Two.” If you want them (and can afford them), be sure to let your local comics shop know asap!


Marvel, DC, Batman, Daredevil, X-Men, Titans, Teen Titans, Avengers, Justice League, Hulk, crossover, omnibusI have to say that I seriously doubt that we can expect any more than just the reprinting of previous offerings from DC and Marvel. I just don’t see it.

So, why are they reprinting these books? Well, I’ve mentioned previously that these are tough times in the comics industry, with a lot of fans have to cut back on their purchases at LCS’s. I’m sure pretty much all companies have noticed a decline in purchases by fans.

Somebody or somebodies at both companies likely looked around for something BIG they could reprint in the hopes of making fans shell out more of their hard-earned shekels, something that has been laying around unused for quite a long time! Ah, behold! They found the fondly remembered crossover materials between the two businesses, and voila! Since they BOTH could likely make money with minimal effort and expense, naturally they went for it!

What will happen, though, if it sells really, really well? Even DC and Marvel just might need more money enough to reconsider their current “cold war” status. At least, I sure hope so!


Marvel, DC, Batman, Daredevil, X-Men, Titans, Teen Titans, Avengers, Justice League, Hulk, crossover, omnibusMoney talks, especially now, so fans, if they would like to see more of this, will have to dig deep into their pockets/wallets and splurge on these omnibus volumes. Sadly, it might take a LOT of sold books to get the attention needed.

I mean, my fan imagination starts to run wild when I consider what could happen! Since I’m a big Bat-fan, I particularly enjoyed most of the books with Batman in them. (Just not the one where the Dark Knight encountered the Hulk, though. Bleh.) Given the changes over the years in the characters, I’d like to see Batman come across Spider-Man (and if he has Robin with him, Spider-Man and Spider-Boy). Daredevil? Sure! Granted, there may be just a few heroes/baddies I would NOT want to see him touch base with.

There have been so many different versions of the Avengers that I’m not sure it would be possible to have them come across the Justice League (who are currently not around). Titans? Maybe. But I still can recall that X-Men/Teen Titans crossover pretty strongly. Sigh.

Right now, all it seems we as fans can do is support this reaching out “across the aisle,” as it were. If we can buy them, let’s add these to our collections. If we can’t afford that, we can always talk about them on social media. They do likely watch what fans are talking about, at least!

So, I’m going to start putting some money aside in hopes of being able to add them to my personal library. Maybe if I gather a little each time I get paid, I can make it happen!

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